Category: Home Cleaners Near Me
The Long-Term Cost Savings of Hiring a Recurring House Cleaner in Alexandria
Keeping a home clean is an ongoing responsibility that requires time, effort, and resources. Many homeowners in Alexandria assume that hiring a recurring house cleaner is an unnecessary expense, but in reality, it is a cost-effective investment that leads to significant long-term savings. From reducing costly repairs to preserving furniture and improving health, professional cleaning …..
Growth Story — Service and Technology
Several years ago we had a great article written about us during our initial launch that mentioned the ease and convenience of booking a cleaning through our website. There were, of course, some public comments — good and bad — but one comment, in particular, stood out to me. Here it is: Here’s how I …..
The SOUL of Our Brand
Heart of WellNest House Cleaning A couple of weeks ago I was filling out a form about WellNest and was asked, “What is the SOUL of your brand?” Here was my response: The soul of our brand is the mastery of our customer persona. As customers ourselves, my wife and I designed the business around …..
Managing Seasonality in the Residential Cleaning Business
The Ups & Downs of House Cleaning Services Recently the topic of Managing Seasonality has come up often in our business. The nature of our business is that of recurring work — weekly, biweekly, and monthly customers. It’s fairly routine but we do have seasonality challenges to manage. Often seasonal customer growth is directly counteracted …..
4 Reasons Why Your Neighbors Are Hiring Us
Why Hire WellNest for House Cleaning Our cleaning service has grown from just 2 part-time employees at launch in June 2016 to over 20 full-time employees today, just 18 months later. All of our success has been attributed to word-of-mouth referrals between friends and neighbors. How? Here’s what we know, using actual customer quotes. “WellNest has …..
Three Simple Tips To Maximize The Most of Your House Cleaning
How to Get the Most from House Cleaning Service As the owner of a cleaning company, one of the most common questions I receive is “how can we get the best cleaning possible?” No cleaning crew will ever be perfect simply because no human is perfect. I am confident we at WellNest get as close …..
5 Tips for Maintaining A Clean Home, Even With Young Kids!
Keeping a Clean House with Children Hi friends! So here’s a typical scenario for life with a toddler on “cleaning day.” We will call the toddler Little One. You can exchange a toddler for any age child(ren). Cleaning Day Routine 6 PM: You walk in your front door, it’s clean! It smells fresh. The dust …..
My Company Survived Year 1 — Here’s What I Learned
WellNest House Cleaners at One Exactly one year ago we began servicing customers as a residential cleaning company. We had a team of three part-time employees, my wife, and myself. I am personally stoked to say that in just 12 months we are now the same size as an average brand name M___ Maids franchise …..
What I’ve Learned As A First-Time Entrepreneur
House Cleaning Service – Managers Perspective Hello! WellNest Home Services is 7 months old. With over 100 subscribed customers and a retention rate that remains over 90%, we are knocking on the door of having a scalable, sustainable business. It’s been challenging, rewarding, frustrating, miserable, all the feelings. I was recently asked by a former …..
The Reasoning Behind Our Bonus for Performance Program
House Cleaning Service – Bonus for Performance We recently implemented our Bonus for Performance Program to help incentivize, motivate, and retain our teams. The program is simple and straight-forward. For every 25 new recurring customers, each member of our team receives a bonus! House Cleaning Incentives The two most popular incentive programs amongst cleaning companies …..